
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Volunteering is hard.

As some of you may know from my Facebook page, I recently decided to start volunteering at Stray Rescue of St. Louis.

Now a few things you should know...
1. I have never volunteered anywhere before (on a continual basis).
2. Dogs in shelters make me sad. Like very sad. Keep in mind too that Stray Rescue isn't just any "shelter" either. They take in dogs (mostly pit bull mixes) that have been severely beaten, mistreated, under-fed and lots of them have been bait dogs in dog fighting rings. The bait dogs are the ones who they tie down while the fighting dogs "practice". Most of them have scars all over their bodies and heads.
3. I didn't know if I could overcome the overwhelming sadness I would feel.

BUT, I had a realization.

I can't just sit back and not help. Whether I volunteer or not, these dogs will be in the shelter. They need to be walked. They need attention. They need laundry done and kennels cleaned. They need time. They need ME.

As hard as it is for me, it's been a much harder road for them. Just because it upsets me to see all of these dogs waiting to be adopted doesn't mean I shouldn't help.

So I attended orientation. And I almost had a breakdown. I was reassured that no matter how the dogs looked, they were in a MUCH better place than they were before. So I just kept telling myself that.

Afterwards I walked a few dogs and it was really a lot of fun! These dogs are so misunderstood. They are so happy and sweet! I couldn't believe how willing they are to love humans, after being so mistreated by them. The dogs still had scars all over their body and some were still very skinny. Since the orientation, I have gone back once. This time when I went, the volunteers were NOT friendly. I mean not at all. I was so discouraged, and considered not going back. But I realized through this journey there will be lots of trials. I will not let stuff like this stop me from helping these dogs have a better life.

So, I will return Wednesday. I'm hoping for a positive experience with the staff this time. I will keep you all updated on how it goes. I can't wait to see the cute dogs and give them some love and attention!

If you want to know more about Stray Rescue, click here.

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